Hello everyone, today it was determined that Universe would no longer be feasible to host. For the past two years we have worked hard to ensure that Universe remained a safe and friendly environment for Nintendo fans. However, due to personal responsibilities and the possibility for further worries to be added on our already busy schedule, we have decided to cut our projects and focus on what works best with our real life goals. We have evaluated the user base for Universe and it's retention. We have concluded that this service is no longer used or to a degree, only actively used by a few individuals. That being said, we have decided to discontinue Universe. On November 7th, 2024, you will no longer be able to access Universe to make posts, login to your account, or view communities. Our incredible journey which began December 21st, 2021 will sadly come to an end. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this discontinuation. If you have any complaints or comments please leave them below and we will quickly address your concerns.
-Your friends from Plushie Studios
Make sure you all check out this tutorial on how to setup Pretendo on Wii U. Keep in mind that Mikverse is now back theough Pretendo! https://youtu.be/La1NYVvvnKU?si=UvrM6A6tclsD_diD
Darn, I joined at the literal worst possible time.
Goodbye Universe. I hardly knew it, but it's sad to see another Miiverse clone/recreation shut down.