On December 23rd, 2022, we began our journey into the social media landscape, and since then we have seen our community grow. However, Universe faces several problems with it's user engagement.
First of all, we saw a healthy and steady growth of users on the platform in our first fiscal year, however, most of the new users thst joined did not go on to make any posts or comments, let alone log in after they created their account. This problem affects more than half of the user base. Second, of the total number of users that signed up for the service and went on to post, most became inactive after a few weeks. This means that there is a major user engagement problem on the platform. Third, the small group of users who did actively use the service during the early to middle months of 2022 have largely become inactive. This means that by 2023, almost all of the users who have joined Universe will become inactive. These three issues are a serious problem for Universe' user engagement going forward.
That being said, it will become lonely on this service throughout 2023 unless new users join. Our ad campaign has been successful, but once getting users on, we have not been able to keep them interested in using Universe. Thus, Universe is a failure. However, I will not be discontinuing this service because I think we can make a comeback in the future. But for now, Universe will be forgotten.
Below are the user engagement statistics for FY2022 (December 23rd 2021-December 23rd, 2022)
Number of users: 139
Number of users gained: 139
Estimated number of active users: 1
User engagement estimate: >1%
I'm the only one here! : )
Good thing this cost me $0 what an absolute flop...
If you try to create a video/post for promote Universe on other socials, like Tiktok or Reddit, i think that this social would be more