So in recent years athiesm has become a big trend again and I continue to question why people don't believe in God and Jesus Christ. When I see what happens when people don't believe in God, especially in the case of the government of China, which forces the people of China to be athiest, I don't see any progress that is made. The whole idea of athiesm is to pursue an advancement of mankind and that there is "no god." But what advancements has athiesm brought? In the case of the Chinese government, they have taken their people's freedom away, invaded peaceful nations, enforced child labor, stolen property from around the world, persecute Christians and Muslims, and even force sterilization on Muslims in Xinjiang, they also send them to concentration camps. But I think why people are still athiest. Look at the world, do you really think that something like life could happen by mistake? Did we really evolve over millions of years? I just don't see it. I mean I live in a rural community and I see firsthand the beauty of this world. I tend to animals and I think, how come these are so perfect? They tell me everything evolved, yet why is everything similar but different. If there is evolution, how come there are no new species? I look to the Bible and it explains every one of my questions. It makes more sense to me that God created everything, I just don't see everything just magically spawning. Then I look at my land and what I have, I realize I didn't do anything to make these things, I just so happened to be given it. But I don't just believe cause everything has gone well in my life. I have done things that are spoken against in the Bible. I have stolen, I have watched porn, even furry hentai. And everytime I do these things I always come back to the same thing, I feel guilty, but why? Why should I feel guilty about these things, after all where did my sense of right and wrong even come from? This is another thing that makes me believe, because if we evolved, how would we know right from wrong, wouldn't life just be about survival and selfishness? And then I see the good works of people, why do people do these things, why do people sacrifice time and money for others? So everything for me comes around full circle, leading me to the same answers. Another sign for me is death. I'm sure death is something we all fear, but I read the Bible and I actually find comfort in it. The idea that if we believe and glorify God and acknowledge the Messiah, we would be forgiven of our sins and given a life after our bodies die. And I feel the sense in myself and others, that our bodies aren't really us, just a mere image for a time. I always feel the sense when I speak and my mouth moves, it comes from somewhere else. Like my brain is judt interpreting my soul. How would an evolved being have such a sense as this? And I even see the same in animals in how they act with people and with each other. So there has to be something else other than this world, otherwise I would not sense anything. I know every person and creature has a soul and that does not come from the body. So then, where does it come from? I read the Bible and it makes sense to me that even this comes from God. I read and I expose my own misdeeds, I read and I am revealed to something going on in the world that is wrong, whereas, given money, I would not have seen it. But now I am no longer scared of death nor concerned about how much money I have, for I know there is a life after this. So I ask everyone to atleast read the Bible and see if you can believe. Whatever you may think about God, just read. Don't shut yourself out because you think God does not love you, or because you are homosexual or a furry. Just read and give it a try.
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